Problems with New Build & Properties under 12 Years – Zoe Upson
The training tackles issues that can arise with the contract documentation received whether it is from a developer or for a second-hand property less than 12 years old.
It explores what to look out for and how to deal with it if it does arise.
Delegates will:
- Understand some of the issues that can arise with new build and newly built property and be able to identify them with worked examples
- Learn how to deal with those situations – what the options are.
- Gain confidence in dealing with new build work.
Hot topics in Law Firm Compliance – Kate Burt
Kate will provide an overview on recent developments from the regulator in this area, and a round-up of the challenges conveyancing firms are facing from what is being seen at the coal face.
Suitable for conveyancers of all levels.
To register your place, email using the link below.