Residential & Commercial Conveyancing Updates with Stephen Desmond & Hannah Mackinlay

19/03/2024 8:30 am
Stephen Desmond, Hannah Mackinlay, James Warren
Wotton House, Guildford Road, Wotton, RH5 6HS (use RH5 6QQ for Sat Nav)

plus an introduction to Off Mains Drainage with James Warren

Hot Topics in Residential Freehold Conveyancing, Including Rentcharges and Planning Reform with Stephen Desmond

3 hours CPD

Level: Update

As a busy conveyancer, you need to keep up to date with changes in practice as well as changes in the law. So, this presentation is designed to provide you with a vital overview on a range of current matters that you otherwise might not have time to read about.

A key part of this seminar will be its focus on the practical implications of developments in the field of residential conveyancing.

As this area of the law is rapidly evolving, the content is liable to change (eg, as and when the government announces new leasehold reform measures).

Commercial Property Update

With Hannah Mackinlay (

3 hours CPD

Level: Update

2023 saw many changes affecting commercial property & real estate development lawyers and there are some significant changes on the way in 2024. This 3 hour update will cover the main points and give you pointers for the coming year.

Includes an introduction to Off Mains Drainage with James Warren

James is the Managing Director of Off Mains Solutions, a specialist off mains drainage company operating UK wide. He has been in the drainage industry for 25 years.

Lunch and Refreshments are provided

Use the link below to book via Eventbrite